Support our 2021 Fund Drive!

Massachusetts Peace Action depends on your contributions!


Despite pandemic setbacks, Massachusetts Peace Action has continued to thrive and grow throughout the last year. We’ve expanded our reach through digital organizing, increased the scope of our work with new advocacy groups, produced more educational programs than ever before, and added new interns, co-op students, and even another full time staffer to our team!

Support from members and supporters like you is what makes this work possible.

That’s why we’re asking you to support our 2021 Fund Drive.

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerabilities of our system, and the need for us to redefine what security means. Endless wars and absurd military spending don’t make our country safer. They weaken us to great risks that we face right here at home. With your help we will continue to educate, advocate, and take action to push us to a more peaceful and just foreign policy.

Our work is only possible with your active participation and continuing financial support!    You can also make a tax-deductible donation to our sister organization, Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund. 

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Between our two organizations, Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund, which accepts tax-deductible donations and uses them for educational purposes, and Massachusetts Peace Action, which engages in advocacy and political campaigns, we have a 2021 fundraising goal of $215,000.   Of this we have raised $117,000 through August 31.  That still leaves $98,000 to raise in the last three months of the year to meet our goal. 

Please consider increasing your last year’s  contribution by 25%,  which will enable MAPA to  meet  current needs. With your generosity, we can exceed our goal and enter 2021 in a strong position to push even harder for peace and justice!

DonateDonate today to Massachusetts Peace Action or make a tax-deductible donation to Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund.   The best way to give is to join the Partners in Peace program which spreads your donation over the year by paying a small amount each month or quarter, or the Education Fund’s Partners in Peace program.