Racial Justice & Decolonization

We believe that racism and white supremacist ideology are operative in the US government and society at large. We educate and agitate to raise the consciousness of Massachusetts Peace Action members and the broader society of the relationship between white privilege and structural racism. Our goal is to transform Massachusetts Peace Action, our Greater Boston society, and Massachusetts into an actively anti-racist Commonwealth.


Police violence is one overt manifestation of deep ills in our society – a deliberately unfair economic system, a shredded safety net, racism in all our institutions and a government moving ever closer to authoritarianism. The movement is strong but so are the entrenched purveyors of the status quo. We must gird ourselves for the long, hard road ahead.

The same militarism and systemic racism that have been turned against our communities of color have been deployed against black and brown populations abroad for decades. We call for an overhaul of our domestic and foreign policies to end police violence at home and war abroad, and to move toward a peaceful and just future. As steps toward these goals, Massachusetts Peace Action calls for: Defunding the Police and Investing in Our Communities, Demilitarizing the Police, Repealing Qualified Immunity and Ending Chokeholds and Excess Force, Ending Use of Military Within US Territory, Restorative Justice, Not Mass Incarceration 



Stop Line 3 protest, Jamaica Plain, Aug 25, 2021
Jamaica Plain Rally to Stop Line 3

Article and photos by Howie Rotman Wednesday evening, August 25, 2021 hundreds of supporters in solidarity with the First Nation Indigenous-Led movement against the Enbridge Corporation’s construction of the Line 3 tar sands crude oil pipeline held a rally and vigil at the Jamaica Pond

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On a Quilt of Oppressions and Injustices

Originally published in Common Dreams   Last Tuesday’s mass shooting targeting Asian American women working at massage parlors in Atlanta was a horrific manifestation of historically rooted and systematically sustained racism, xenophobia, anti-Asian rhetoric, hypersexualization of Asian women, and misogyny. by An Thuy Nguyen Last

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Cambridge Police Department deployed a Ford F-550 BearCat emergency response vehicle for a Black Lives Matter healing event in Lafayette Square on July 10. Community members organized a meeting last week to discuss what they believed to be an overly militarized response by the police. Courtesy photo/Black Lives Matter Cambridge
Demilitarize the Police, Abolish the 1033 Program

Mass. Peace Action supports this key Black Alliance for Peace demand to the Biden Administration   by Rosemary Kean Ajamu Baraka, the national organizer for the Black Alliance for Peace (BAP), describes the Biden administration’s plan to “alter” the 1033 program as “an affront.” This

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Get Involved

The Racial Justice and Decolonization Working Group meets monthly, on the first Tuesday of the month from 2:00-3:30pm. If you’d like to get involved please email Rosemary Kean at rosemarykean510@gmail.com or Claire Gosselin at claireg53@gmail.comThe RJDWG currently has two sub-teams: racial justice, Yoav Elinevsky – ysky28@gmail.com; Indigenous solidarity – Craig Simpson, cs4202144@yahoo.com.




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