Free Palestine

Israel has been maintaining a military occupation of the Palestinian territories for years. The occupation denies basic human rights, freedom, and dignity to millions of Palestinians. Since 2007, Israel, along with Egypt, has placed the Gaza Strip under a medieval siege. The siege of Gaza and the occupation of Palestinians territories is done with the financial and diplomatic support of the United States. U.S. taxpayers subsidize the Israeli occupation with over $10 million per day, or nearly $4 billion per year. Our goal is to change U.S. policy to end U.S. financial and political support to the Israeli occupation and apartheid of the Palestinian people.  



© REUTERS / Mohamad Torokman
Free Palestine

by Amar Ahmad As the decades-long Israeli military occupation of Palestinian territories continues, Israel is once again bombing the Gaza Strip. Both the occupation of Palestine, and the bombing of Gaza, are being done with the support of the US. Indeed, as Israel drops bombs

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Rally outside British Labour Party's executive committee meeting, Sept 2018. Photo: Henry Nicholls/Reuters
Massachusetts House Rejects Distorted Definition of Antisemitism

by Cole Harrison and Elsa Auerbach The Massachusetts House of Representatives on Wednesday rejected an amendment to the state budget which would have Massachusetts adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA) definition of antisemitism, a definition that equates criticism of Israel with antisemitism, within its

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Travel Conflict of Interest

Travel Conflict of Interest (H.3240) A MEASURE TO REDUCE THE INFLUENCE OF MONEY IN STATE POLITICS This act would ban state legislators from accepting all expenses paid trips from lobbying interests, a current loophole in anti-corruption legislation. Assigned to Committee: State Administration & Regulatory Oversight

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