No NEw Cold War

No New Cold War leads efforts to advocate against and educate the public on increased tensions between the United States, China, and Russia. In order to overcome threats like nuclear war and environmental destruction, we support foreign policy that advocates for the U.S., China, Russia and all other countries to become partners in survival. In tandem with a number of objectives, we urge people to reject the demonization and “othering” of Russia and China and encourage international collaboration on global issues such as climate change, disarmament, demilitarization, xenophobia, racism, and pandemics. 

The future of humanity is threatened by the twin dangers of nuclear war and environmental destruction. By focusing on these issues at hand — and solving them through global cooperation and diplomacy — we can support Common Security among the United States, China, and Russia in which security is achieved not against an adversary but together with it. 

Read our No Cold War group’s statement of purpose.


The No New Cold Wear campaign was created, in a broader view, in order to combat a new Cold War with China and Russia. Our message has gained traction since the election of D

onald Trump in 2016 and rising tensions between U.S.-China, as well as in 2020 where we eaffirm

ed our position against xenophobic, racist, and dangerous rhetoric towards China and AAPI communities in the U.S. following the coronavirus pan

demic. Our campaign writes articles and organizes webinars on topics ranging from South China Sea provocations

, Taiwan, and demonizing rhetoric towards both Russia and China. 

Massachusetts Korea Peace Campaign

The Massachusetts Korea Peace Campaign works for a shift in US policy for lasting peace on the Korean peninsula.  Formed in 2019, it is the Massachusetts affiliate of the Korea Peace Now Grassroots Network.


The Taiwan Conundrum

by Jim Hassett Beijing is irrevocably committed to regaining control of Taiwan, an island about 100 miles off China’s coast.  But the US and its allies are committed to the opposite:  helping Taiwan maintain its status as an independent county.  Something’s got to give.   To

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Get Involved

Although meeting times will vary week to week, if you’re interested in getting involved the No New Cold War working group meets on average twice a month on Thursdays at 12:30PM. If you’d like to learn more or become a part of the team, email Amar Ahmad at 



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