Massachusetts Peace Action members are a group of dedicated individuals who are working to develop political power to move the United States towards a more peaceful and less warlike foreign policy. Our strength is in our membership. Together, we have the strength of numbers to effect positive, practical change.

Join us today!

Our members act as ambassadors for the organization, catalyzing our growth by networking, speaking out, fundraising, and spreading the word about Massachusetts Peace Action. Members plan educational events, films, and community development, and bring guests to our events to see our work in action. Now more than ever before, Massachusetts Peace Action needs members to raise awareness about our exciting new initiatives.

As a member of Massachusetts Peace Action, you can:

  • Receive weekly e-mail Action Alerts on actions you can take.
  • Get updates on what is going on in Congress.
  • Receive our newsletter 3-4 times a year, plus updates on our work, new materials and publications.
  • Be notified of  local and national peace and justice events.
  • Receive discounts on event admissions.
  • Elect the Massachusetts Peace Action board of directors at our annual meeting and approve changes to our program, rules and by-laws.
  • Vote on candidate endorsements.
  • Access to conference call briefings and webinars on how to change US foreign policy.
  • Volunteer at events or in the office.
  • Join an issue-oriented working group.

 If you are already a member, don’t forget to renew your membership!

Make your membership donation to Massachusetts Peace Action today!

Pay dues now and you will be a member in good standing through December 2021!  Members receive newsletters, discounted admission at events, and vote on endorsements and for the board of directors.

  • $65.00/year Family membership
  • $40.00/year Individual membership
  • $10.00/year Student/ Limited income membership

Join Now

Payments received after September 1 entitle you to membership through December of the following year. If you are interested in becoming a member, you can pay your membership dues online, or mail a check to our office (11 Garden St., Cambridge, MA 02138).

For more information, please contact Carol Coakley, Office Coordinator, at or at (617) 354-2169.

Keep your information up to date!

You can update your contact information, choose your preferred email address or unsubscribe, or update your credit card and recurring donations settings at our self-service portal.