Pay membership dues or donate to Massachusetts Peace Action today!

Annual dues are $40/year for an individual, $65 for a family, or $10 for students or low income.   Pay dues now and you will be a member in good standing through December 2021!  Members receive newsletters and discounted admission at events, and vote on endorsements and for the board of directors. 

Join Now

Make a tax-deductible contribution to the Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund

Help educate the public on our issues. Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Donations to the Education Fund are 100% tax deductible, but cannot be used to support or oppose candidates.  Education Fund donors are extended the privileges of membership in Massachusetts Peace Action as well.  


Include Massachusetts Peace Action in your legacy

Consider also a trust, stock, bequest, or other planned gift, to keep our work strong for the next generation! Contact Cole Harrison, Executive Director, to discuss your plans.

Donate by check

Donations may be made by sending checks (payable to Massachusetts Peace Action or Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund) to:

Massachusetts Peace Action
11 Garden Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

Member Information Page

Update your email, postal address, or subscription status; view your contribution history or update your recurring contributions, at our Member Information Page.

Become a Partners for Peace Sustainer

Monthly, quarterly or annual donations provide Massachusetts Peace Action with a predictable source of income, spread your contribution over the year, and save bother. Your donations to Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund are not tax-deductible and may be used for political purposes.

We charge your credit card on a regular schedule. To set up your Partners for Peace sustainer donation, use the Donate button below.  Or, write or phone Carol Coakley at the office at 617-354-2169 and she will set you up. She will need your credit card number, expiration date, CVV (the 3-digit code), and the amount to be charged monthly, quarterly, or annually.


Become a Partners for Peace Sustainer to Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund

You can make regular tax-deductible donations to Massachusetts Peace Action Education Fund.  Donations to MAPA EF are tax-deductible and cannot be used for political purposes.


Organizational Members

Organizations that support Peace Action’s work can become organizational members. They will be acknowledged on our website; can participate in committees, listservs, conference calls, lobby visits, and observe at Board meetings; publicize their events through our website, Facebook, twitter and email; and receive technical and organizing assistance and materials from our state and national groups. The cost is $75 a year for local or state organizations and $150 for national organizations.   Contact Cole Harrison or Carol Coakley in the office to sign up, or download the flyer on organizational membership.

David Zackon Fellowship for Justice in Palestine-Israel

DavidZackon.100Bringing a just Palestine-Israel policy into the legislative and political arena: David Zackon, coordinator of our Palestine/Israel working group and lifelong peace supporter, passed away suddenly on March 13, 2016. The David Zackon Fellowship supports the work of interns and/or young organizers who are continuing David’s work. Read about David Zackon and the Fellowship here and donate to it using the “Donate” button.


Steven Brion-Meisels Peace Fellowship

rsz_1stevenCultivating the Next Generation of Peace Leaders:  The Steven Brion-Meisels Peace Fellowship is dedicated to our 30-year leader and board chair, who continually insisted on the importance of of bringing youth and Peace Action together, and who we lost to cancer on March 9, 2014 only two months after our board approved this project, which Steven did so much to shape (read about Steven’s life here).   Read about the Cultivating Peace project here and donate to it using the “Donate” button.


For more information on the many options available and to discuss your specific needs, please contact Cole Harrison, Executive Director, at or (617) 354-2169.