Massachusetts Peace Action does much of its work through several working groups.

Working groups are volunteer-driven.  They had typically met monthly but many have started to meet more frequently during social distancing.  All are currently meeting by Zoom.

Attend a working group meeting, or contact the people listed below to talk about how you can get involved.

If your issue is not listed here, start a new group — we’ll help!

Current working groups (as of March 2021)

Nuclear Disarmament

Alternate Sundays, 4pm.

The NDWG currently has three sub-teams: Treaty on Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) – Sofia Wolman,; No First Use – Steve Gallant,; Education and Outreach, Jerry Ross –

Middle East (covers US endless wars including Iran, Iraq and Syria, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and Afghanistan):


Latin America / Caribbean / Immigrant Rights

Fund Healthcare, Not Warfare

Usually alternate Thursdays at noon or 1pm.

Climate and Peace

This group meets once a month on a weekday evening.

Racial Justice/Decolonization

Once a month

The RJDWG currently has two sub-teams: racial justice, Yoav Elinevsky –; Indigenous solidarity – Craig Simpson,

Authoritarianism and Right Wing Nationalism –  Study/Action Group

Organizational Support

Legislative/ Political: Every second or third Tuesday at 5pm.

Program Committee: Connects the work of the various working groups.  Cole Harrison

Music: Eva Moseley,

Newsletter Editor

Youth Organizing: Brian Garvey, Learn about becoming a student organizer.

Board of Directors Elected by the members at each annual meeting.  Co-chairs: