Cole Harrison, Executive Director

Cole HarrisonCole is Executive Director of Massachusetts Peace Action.  He has worked with the Massachusetts People’s Budget Campaign, Massachusetts Poor People’s Campaign, Our Revolution Massachusetts,  the Indigenous Legislative Agenda, United for Justice with Peace, and United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ).  Born in Delhi, India, he has a B.A. from Harvard in applied mathematics and a M.S. from Northeastern in computer science. He worked for the Symphony Tenants Organizing Project and the Fenway News in the 1970s, participated in the Jamaica Plain Committee on Central America (JP COCA) in the 1980s, and was a software developer and manager at CompuServe Data Technologies, Praxis Inc., and before joining Massachusetts Peace Action in 2010. He lives in Roslindale.

Brian Garvey, Assistant Director

Brian GarveyBrian Garvey organizes with the Raytheon Antiwar Campaign and supports Mass. Peace Action’s working groups on the Middle East, Latin America, No Cold War, and against US sanctions.  He writes a large number of our action alerts and helps develop youth’s voice in the peace movement, activate members, and participates in fundraising and event planning.  He is a native of North Reading and lives in Watertown.


Amar Ahmad, Organizer

Amar Ahmad joined MAPA’s permanent staff as our Organizer. He’s been with MAPA for the past year as co-chair of the Legislative/Political Committee and with other working groups, and has expanded our digital and video offerings. Since September, he has worked as a part-time organizer with the Fund Health Care, Not Warfare project, thanks to a generous grant from the Agape Foundation. Amar is a Massachusetts native.


Carol Coakley, Office Coordinator

rsz_carolCarol is chair of Metrowest Peace Action and represents the Norfolk, Bristol and Middlesex state senate district on the Democratic State Committee. She has a B.A. in Politics from Framingham State College, where she also worked as an administrative assistant and was steward for AFSCME Local 1067. She was Field Coordinator of the Instant Runoff Voting initiative petition drive with Citizens for Voter Choice in 2009. Carol works part time in the Mass. Peace Action office as office coordinator and bookkeeper. She represents Massachusetts Peace Action on Peace Action’s national board of directors, co-convenes MAPA’s Legislative/Political Committee, and serves on our board of directors and Executive Committee.