About Us
Massachusetts Peace Action is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization working to develop the sustained political power to foster a more just and peaceful U.S. foreign policy.
Through grassroots organizing, policy advocacy, and community education, we promote human rights and global cooperation, seek an end to war and the spread of nuclear weapons, and support budget priorities that re-direct excessive military spending to meeting human and environmental needs in our communities.
We are an affiliate of Peace Action, the nation’s largest grassroots peace and disarmament membership organization, with more than 100,000 members and 30 chapters across the country.
We share a vision of world peace in which:
- The menace of nuclear weapons has forever been erased from our planet
- War has been abolished as a method of solving conflicts
- All human beings are assured the wherewithal to live in health and dignity
- No one is denied the opportunity to participate in making decisions that affect the common good.
What We Do
- Mobilize our members to become active advocates for peace and justice issues with their elected officials and within their communitie.
- Organize events to educate the public on issues of peace and disarmament
- Make peace a priority in all elections at all levels by educating voters and candidates on just and peaceful foreign policy options.